Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm a bad blogger. Spank me.

Yeah yeah yeah I know. I never update.

Well that’s because I have a bunch of random stuff running through  my head that I want to flesh out before I discuss…but then that day never comes….and a blog never comes. Rundown:

It’s not the fear of flying. It’s the fear of plummeting to my death. (Blog about my fear of failure)

Boys are stupid. We should throw stones at them. But I’ve seen every man I’ve dated as being smarter than me either IQ wise or life experience wise. To the point where I don’t think I could date someone dumber than I am. How does one qualify? Apparently I’ m pretty picky for someone who is like a 6, 7 on a good day. If he uses the wrong “your” or spells something easy wrong? Points deducted. I’m working on lowering my standards though. Like I said, I’m a 7 on a good day. 4 or 5 if I open my mouth.

I PICKED THE WRONG MAJOR!!!!! (blog about having a degree in Communication but not really being able to write…actually that could probably fit under failure fear one) I might actually be crazy. And possibly not in the whole “doing the same action and expecting different results” way. But then again….who is sane?

I couldn’t say it a year ago but I am overwhelmed. (I choose to ignore it right now but if I sit down and really think about where I am in my life and how much my expectations and plans will have to change….I’m going to freak out….and that’s soooo not the remedy to getting my face to clear up [damn you Lupus]. …… I think that’s all that’s been bouncing around in my head lately. Maybe I’ll expand. Maybe I won’t. Ignoring the fact that I slept……14 hours total yesterday….I’m going to bed. Goodnight.

Oh P.S., I need a new name for my blog. Five adjectives to describe me: random, snarky, honest (if we don’t count lies of omission), frazzled, easy to read….well that’s five but I don’t think it’ll help. I’d like to keep the general idea of “through my head, out my fingers” but make it more…buzzwording…errr like…title-y… a legitimate blog….if that’s what I end up doing with this. Spanks a lot. P.P.S. I’m looking for a new blog service too. I want a better way to sort my entries (because I am so random). I plan to do some event reviews, food/recipes reviews, diary entries, relationship musings, goal progress entries…..basically I want to talk about the different areas I intend to explore but be able to sort them so people can click on the category that interests them. Is this something I’ll have to learn HTML for? I briefly tried Blogspot but didn’t think I could do it the way I want. Any other good sites? Okay, time to get minty fresh and then off to bed. Wish me a productive tomorrow.


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