Monday, January 11, 2010

Government control of our lives, Health Care Bill, Larry Sinclair, Social Security Administration, Obama, Biden, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder, We pay, They control

“There’s something happening here

What it is ain’t exactly clear

There’s a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware” 

“Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you’re always afraid

You step out of line,

the man come and take you away”… “For what it’s worth”  Buffalo Springfield


Larry Sinclair is being controlled by the Social Security Administration again. Even if Sinclair was not a threat to the Obama Administration, he would still be at the mercy of government bureaucrats. I know about this first hand and will report on this in the near future. This is the spectre of Government run health care. We pay and they control.

The paperback version of Larry Sinclair’s book is now available. Get your copy of only 1000 Signed/Numbered copies of the Paperback edition of “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

Perhaps some of you were more skeptical of Larry Sinclair’s story a year ago. Anyone paying attention should find Sinclair’s story very plausible now.

Here is Larry Sinclair’s latest encounter with the Social Security Administration.

“Social Security Administration used again to Harass & Intimidate Larry Sinclair: Instant Replay of Joe Biden’s Abuse of  Office and mis-use of SSA in 2008.

I have been ill for the past few days and only today felt well enough to go check my mail. In my mail box was a letter from Alvin L. Crummell, District Manager for Social Security Administration.

I have been ordered to appear at the Social Security Office “before January 14, 2010…” for, “…We need to review your SSI record in order to determine that you continue to be eligible to receive benefits.”

I will appear at the office tomorrow, January 11, 2010 (the letter is dated January 8, 2010) with camera and digital voice recorder in hand. I will record the entire meeting which I have every right to do (and will do so for my own protection.)

I believe it is interesting that Social Security wants to now “review” the record when my physical condition has continued to worsen because Medicaid and University of Florida/Shands Jacksonville refuse to perform procedures requested by Doctors.

This “review” and letter is nothing more than an attempt to harass and intimidate me because I refuse to shut up and continue to push Barack Obama to come clean. This never ending harassment by the White House, DCCC and Obama idiots would have made a weaker person go postal already. Well the continued picking at this sore is only going to cause it to fester until the puss explodes. Keep picking!

These continued tactics for more than 2 years now should make people finally realize, I Larry Sinclair have been telling the TRUTH all along and the Obama administration and the DCCC know it.

I will be sending a fax to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod at the White House tomorrow making it clear  I will devote every minute of my life to destroying Barack Obama if these back door tactics are not stopped immediately and the gutless, lying coward does not man up and either admit or deny my claims against him.  I have already called Rahm Emmanuel’s office at 202-456-6798 and will do so when he is in tomorrow to make it clear to him I will not be threatened, harassed or intimidated any longer by the White House and its cowardly lions. Feel free to contact these Chicago Thugs and call them out.  Barack Obama and Michelle Obama know the contents of, “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder” are true and that is the only reason Obama and his funky flunkies Axelrod, Emmanuel, Biden and others continue to illegally use the IRS, Social Security and other agencies to continue to come after me. They failed with their false claim of Blackmail during the campaign, they failed when then Senator Biden made false statements to SSA in June of 2008, and they will fail this time as well.”

Read more from Larry Sinclair:


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