Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weston Price; The great heart of Morpheus; Mordor Goblins vs. Shire Hobbits; transdermal drugs

A random collection of topics.

I’m reading the Weston Price book pretty quickly. I’m about halfway through. I am totally convinced. It’s true that in modern culture, there is something that causes facial deformities and dental deformities. Weston Price focused on the lack of nutrients, but I also suspect the presence of something harmful. In other words, we are lacking something we need, and we are also not protecting ourselves against something harmful. The worst deformities occur with pregnant mothers eating nothing but canned food and white bread. Their children are born with nostrils and sinuses so small that they cannot breathe through their noses, and they become mouth-breathers who probably have sleep apnea as well. I think that heavy metal poisoning might be involved. Cans are made of tin or aluminum or other metals, and that metal gets into the food. Tin is called a ‘metalloestrogen,’ a metal that behaves like the estrogen hormone. I think aluminum might be a metalloestrogen, too.

I haven’t gotten to this chapter yet, but he’s going to talk about the MORAL damage that results from the brain deformities and also, in my opinion, from a Feingold-Diet type of temporary effect that happens immediately if you eat foods full of chemicals, artificial colors, etc, which causes you to become hyper, restless, aggressive, and unable to resist impulses, but only temporarily after eating the food. In the primitive cultures that had healthy, normally shaped faces, the people were also good-natured and happy, and they did not become criminals or sick people with chronic fatigue, depression, and other health problems.

I watched The Matrix again, since I now have my laptop back and it’s got a DVD player. Whenever I watch movies I sometimes have with me another person talking in whispers. They point things out that I didn’t notice before. I never noticed this one incident that happened with Morpheus. I’ve been looking around to learn how to recognize the enneagram type Eight. Morpheus is probably an Eight. Part of the description of healthy type Eight is the strength of their love, a feeling of greatness and largeness in the heart, a feeling of protecting themselves and others with their love, and I was calling this the ‘great heart’ feeling. I don’t recall the exact words they used in the enneagram book, but it was something like that.

So there is a scene where they’ve just gone to see the Oracle for Neo, and they’re running away from the agents. They climbed into the wall, and then Cypher starts coughing because a bunch of dust went in his face. So the agents start shooting into the walls.

At that moment, I heard the whisper voice say ‘I’m not gonna laugh,’ which is one of their frequently used phrases. Sometimes, that means, ‘I’m gonna cry.’ They called my attention to Morpheus and the noise that he made just before he bashed his head through the wall to attack the agents and defend Neo. He makes this loud howl noise, like ‘OAHHHHHHHH!,’ and I almost laugh when I think of it, and you could make fun of it, but in reality, it’s like he’s going to cry, because they’re attacking Neo and he loves Neo and he will do anything to protect him. It’s this powerful expression of feeling so strong, it’s like the feeling itself breaks through the wall as he attacks the agents. I never noticed this before while watching the movie – it was something they called my attention to. It made him seem like a real person in a real situation, like this was something that had actually happened.

I also couldn’t help noticing the huge numbers of people with narrow faces instead of broad faces. I wonder how many of them had to get orthodontic braces, like I did, because their teeth were crowded into the wrong positions. This problem is EVERYWHERE, and now that I know how to see it, I can’t help seeing it. Neo himself, the hero of the movie, has the narrow face. We tolerate seeing the narrow face deformities better than we tolerate the morbid obesity deformity. Morbid obesity hasn’t become normal yet, and we’re not seeing it on our movies and televisions, but the narrow face deformity is so common and has been around for so long it’s viewed as normal. Morbid obesity didn’t exist when Weston Price was studying modern deformities. Obesity is just another deformity that you get through no fault of your own, caused by poisons and malnutrition during pregnancy and infancy, and made worse by drugs that people are using in adulthood, such as psychiatric drugs. Based on what I have read, the worst thing you can do is give babies soy milk formula – this might be what causes severe obesity. I don’t know all of the specific causes yet – however, I know enough to be ABSOLUTELY SURE that obesity is NOT YOUR FAULT. It’s just another permanent deformity, like thalidomide babies born without arms and legs. It’s a horrible deformity caused by poisons and malnutrition in modern culture, which you were exposed to in the womb and in early infancy – something to be angry about, instead of something to feel guilty about. If you are obese, you are the victim of modern culture’s ignorance about how to nourish and protect pregnant women so that they get nutrients they need and are protected against poisons.

Mordor goblins and shire hobbits: The Shire is the example of a healthy primitive people with large, round faces. In the movie you see them in a primitive marketplace and somebody’s pulling along a pig on a leash – I remember that scene – they don’t tell you the exact details of their agricultural economy, but you get the impression that they are using simple, basic foods including both meats and plants. (I am somewhat uncomfortable even using the word ‘pig’ even if I’m trying to talk about a real pig because I always hear voices calling police officers ‘pigs,’ and using offensive pig images, when I myself don’t use that word.) Then, later in the trilogy, you see lots of Mordor goblins, and they have the unhealthy-looking, ugly, narrow, deformed faces and irregular teeth. However, they eat raw meat. It isn’t just a lack of meat in the diet, or a lack of nutrients, that makes the goblins look unhealthy and have violent, antisocial behavior and constant fighting and arguing. I think that maybe the goblins are exposed to chemicals in the Mordor mining operations, like heavy metals and other poisons, which are giving them deformities and antisocial behavior. If I recall, the goblins were more peaceful whenever they lived in the mountains and hadn’t yet been brought to work as Mordor slaves. I’d have to read the book again to find out – I could be remembering wrong. I just vaguely remember that the goblins weren’t always as bad as they are now.

Moviemakers use stereotypes about how people look. I’m starting to think that there is some truth to these stereotypes, that certain types of ‘ugliness’ are associated with overall ill health and criminal behavior and violence. I want to be very cautious about saying that – I don’t want people to start getting judgmental and going around looking for ugly people and assuming that they’re criminals. A fellow sufferer (electronic harassment), AJH at

, is always noticing people with the weak chin deformity and other facial deformities, and he strongly dislikes seeing these people. My theory is that the deformities of the face are connected with deformities inside the brain. This is known to be true with fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal alcohol syndrome creates faces with specific deformities. If the visible deformities are severe, then the brain damage is also severe. If the deformities are mild, then the brain damage is mild. You can tell how badly damaged a fetal alcohol syndrome person is by looking at their face and seeing how many of the deformities they have. I know somebody with FAS and he doesn’t look like the picture I saw of a person with severe deformities, so his must be a milder case.

I want to be careful talking about the facial deformities and how they might connect with brain deformities, because I don’t want people jumping to conclusions and distrusting everybody just because they have a weak chin or something like that. I don’t know the details of which types of facial deformities are associated with which types of brain deformities.

My feeling about this is that it’s good news, not bad news. I’m happy to know this. What if we didn’t know it? What if it was only heredity? You just have bad luck because your mom and dad had bad DNA, and there’s no hope for you or your children at all. Instead, we found out that these deformities are preventable, something we DO have control over. You’re not just unlucky, and you don’t just have bad DNA. It’s something that you can prevent, if you avoid certain poisons, and provide certain nutrients, to pregnant mothers. (I’m still using the concept ‘Nourish And Protect’ as my mental framework – the protective figure and the nurturing figure.) I don’t know enough detail about what kinds of problems can be caused by unhealthy sperm – I know more about the problems that happen if you poison or malnourish a developing embryo. However, Weston Price says that the primitive cultures often gave a special diet to the men, too, if they were planning to become fathers, so they were trying to prevent problems with the sperm as well. Anyway, this is all very good news, not bad news. It means we have control over it.

Weston Price mentioned a transdermal drug incident. An Australian Aborigine was going to wet nurse an orphaned child. This was a grandmother, an older woman, who didn’t have breast milk, and she was going to wet nurse this baby. So she collected insects that lived on a particular tree. She crushed the insects into a paste, and rubbed the paste directly onto her breasts. Within a short time, the breasts were producing milk. I don’t know which was more important, the insects themselves, or the tree that they came from. I’ve read about fenugreek and other herbs used to stimulate lactation. I didn’t know how long it would take to trigger the lactation. From the anecdote, it sounded like it happened very quickly within only a couple of hours. I am also interested in male lactation, something which has been talked about in anecdotes, but isn’t familiar to modern western culture. I think it will probably work the same way.

Sometime last year, I remember an incident where I myself reacted very strongly to a microdose transdermal exposure to fenugreek, when I picked up the bottle off the shelf and held it in my hand and looked at it, without even opening the bottle, and within a few minutes, I felt sexually aroused, and also nauseated and sick in an unpleasant way (the oxytocin hormone, the sexual bonding hormone, makes you feel nauseated and sick – it’s called ‘lovesick,’ I think, or at least that’s how I interpret the word ‘lovesick’) – however, this was dangerous, because the nauseated feeling became very unpleasant, and it transformed into the suicidal feeling. So fenugreek might be dangerous enough to trigger suicide. I recognized the suicide sensation, and I know myself well enough by now, and I recognize drug reactions, so I am able to protect myself whenever something like that happens. I learned the hard way about drugs that cause people to feel suicidal. It’s a physical sensation, an unbearable discomfort, and with me, it’s connected with nausea and stomach sickness. When I got home, I washed my hands thoroughly. Modern western medicine doesn’t know anything at all about transdermal drug absorption or about the strong effects of very small dosages. I want more people to know about this. Suicide and homicide are caused by drugs, and it can even happen with very small dosages. Modern western medicine is ignorant about so many things that are very, very important to know.

I have to do what I came here for: answer some email responses to my ad calling for household help. I wish I could hire everyone who responded. But instead of doing that, I am going to write ads to start a social group where I DON’T pay money to people – they join me because they agree with me. It’s an urge to connect with a large group of people and get them all to do something that I need to get done, which fits with the ‘So/Sp’ theory of my instinctual stacking. I forgot to mention that on the webpage where I’ve been reading about that, (you have to google that URL – it has an error), they described the ‘motives’ of all the other instinctual stackings EXCEPT FOR the socials. They described motives for the sx/sp (to know the heart, reconcile inner conflicts, etc), sx/so (to have an impact), sp/so, sp/sx, but didn’t say anything about the motives of the so/sp and so/sx. – Wait… Yes they did, it just wasn’t written on a separate line. Okay, it’s just written in the same paragraph, I made a mistake. ‘To attain status within their chosen sphere – the “social climber.”‘ That makes it sound so shallow.

What I experience is a desire to be treated with respect. If I say something, I want people to listen to me, to believe me, to take me seriously, and to do the things that I tell them to do, because I believe that I have special knowledge that a lot of other people don’t have, knowledge that they need and that we all need, for instance about medicine. In the workplace, people don’t have to agree with everything, but I just want to feel like my opinions are AT LEAST being listened to and respected, even if they can’t change their policies.

(For instance, I want them to stop the practice of ending prices with 9 – it’s deceptive and discourteous to the customer – Dollar General Store I found out uses round-number pricing, so I enjoy shopping at Dollar General. They don’t price things at $0.99 at Dollar General. It will be exactly $1.00, or exactly $0.50, etc. I know DG is not trying to trick me, confuse me, manipulate me, and make it harder for me to mentally calculate how much I’m spending, and hard to remember how much something cost, since my short-term memory is unreliable and I can’t remember how much I spent unless I write it down, so I’ll accidentally spend more money than I wanted to because I forgot what the total was, since I had to mentally estimate everything and round it up or down and get myself confused.)

If I get frustrated with my workplace, and I want to start my own business because they refuse to change their policies and do things the way I wish they would (they told us to put the labels on fried chicken facing away from the customer, so that customers have to turn the bags around to see how much it costs, and I think the labels should face forward and be easy to read), it isn’t because I want to be a ’social climber,’ quote unquote. It’s just that I want to have some control over how things are done. My motivation is to get into a position where I am able to control the things that I want to have control over, in the social sphere.

So calling it a ’social climber’ just doesn’t really describe what I experience, from my point of view. I’m not trying to climb up to the top and say, ‘Ha ha, I’m cooler than you are!’ I would want to get into a higher social position so that I don’t have to constantly battle and argue with people over every trivial little detail of every little policy that I disagree with, and I want to just do it my way and get it over with quickly and efficiently. (I don’t have time to write about this, but I’ll mention the book Watership Down, where the rabbits decide to leave the old colony partly because they are frustrated with the existing social order.) I don’t describe that as ’social climbing.’ It’s not Esme Squalor from Lemony Snicket’s books, going along with every fad and doing things because they’re ‘in.’ And it’s not like a psychopathic manipulator who abandons and betrays all their old friends because the old friends aren’t ‘cool’ enough. There are all these really negative stereotypes of a ’social climber.’

Okay, I’m supposed to check my email, I have to do that before I get disconnected.


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