Friday, January 1, 2010

El-Rushbo is A-Okay (physically speaking)

Gee, who’da thunk that an obese, cigar-smoking druggie would have heart problems?  But that’s what a steady diet of haterade, hillbilly heroin and outrage will do for you, and a couple of days ago Rush was “rushed” to a Honolulu hospital (in a socialist ambulance) after experiencing the old telltale sign that the ticker is about to collapse under the weight of all that bile — chest pains.  (Heart Attack in Honolulu — that could be a Tom Waits tune.)

Today his condition has been upgraded to “stable” and Rush says he’s “A-Okay” after undergoing a battery of tests and an angioplasty, and that’s all good.   No, really.   I won’t be one of the many who wish Rush ill –

Not I.  It won’t be me who says “I hope he (or his doctor, or his heart) fails“, because that would be vicious, low and wrong, and on the first day of this dewy new year, I won’t do it.

What I will do is enjoy the calm as millions of jabbering dittoheads fall silent without Rush telling them what to think… the only thing that might break the golden silence would be if they decided to bitch about ‘liberals’ being nasty to Rush while he was hospitalized.  But they’re not that dumb and desperate, are they?


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