Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Larry Sinclair, Obama, Obama thugs push Sinclair too far, Social Security politics, Larry Sinclair response, Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanuel , Joe Biden, Barack & Michelle Obama , David Axelrod, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine Sex Lies & Murder

From the moment that Larry Sinclair made public his allegations of his drugs and sex encounter in November 1999 with Obama two years ago, Sinclair has been attacked’ illegally incarcerated and threatened with losing his Social Security disability payments. The Obama thugs have gone too far this time.

From Larry Sinclair.

“Today January 25, 2010 I returned to Social Security as instructed on 1-11-10.  This morning Supervisor Lucy Cruz admitted that Social Security LIED in their letter dated January 8, 2010 and that SSA Employee Boothe LIED to my face during our meeting on 1-11-10.

Mrs. Cruz also admitted that I am being investigated based on “agency information” and that SSA will not provide me with any info as to what the allegations made are nor who made them.  This is America where the accused has the right to know what they are accused of and by whom.

Today these bastards have picked the sore one too many times.  You want to see one crazy individual when they have been pushed one to many times these bastards are fixing to see just that.

Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanuel , Joe Biden, Barack & Michelle Obama , and David Axelrod are about to find out just what one individual is capable of when you push them from behind too many times.”


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