Friday, January 15, 2010

So forgetful

I swear, I’d lose my head if it wasn’t screwed on tight.

At one point in my life I was obscenely organised and punctual. Now I get into these spirals where time doesn’t make sense.

Because there wasn’t structure during my winter break I spent a lot of time sleeping and doing nothing in particular. I could swear I had another set of prescriptions and  had dropped them off at the pharmacy. All I had to do was go pick them up when I was out. The pharmacy is open 24 hours and is at a major hub of all my travels, so it was idiot proof, right? Right up until none of that actually happening.

It’s not like I hallucinated it, I think I just forgot to ask the doctor to write a new one. I had just dropped one off two days prior – some how a month later all that blended into one.

It’s not the end of the world, I called the office an another doctor will write me one. It’s just concerning that I’ve changed so much. On top of this, I’ve also managed to forget to get blood work done to test the drug levels so they can be adjusted to therapeutic levels.  It’s having a negative effect on my treatment.

I’ve started using a day timer. I managed to find work and have taken on a student to tutor in math, so I’m going to need all the help I can get. Here’s hoping I can turn my retarded ass around.

Oh,  I’ve lost 3 lbs since new years – shit’s going to be alright.


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